Imagine a vibrant community of people coming from the entire Mediterranean region, each with different knowledge and expertise but connected and engaged to drive a shared mission: to channel innovation towards the sustainable development of the Mediterranean basin. This is what we aim to do with the creation of the Innovative Sustainable Economy Community Hub: a virtual place where it will be possible to connect and engage with the Mediterranean critical mass interested in the Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission.
The Hub will be officially launched in September 2024; we are now in the development process. By expressing your interest, you can become part of the process and help us co-design strategic parts of this Hub according to your needs and interests. In this page you will be able to find all the updated information on the initiative.

The Hub in a Nutshell:
The Innovative Sustainable Economy Community (ISEC) Hub will function as a community of organizations and individuals: the Hub will unite the Quadruple Helix Mediterranean stakeholders from the North, South, East and West and aims to become a dynamic space at the forefront of transformative innovation in the Euro-Mediterranean region. This collaborative effort is dedicated to advancing the goals of the Interreg Euro-MED Mission on Innovative Sustainable Economy.
Our Vision:
The ISEC Hub serves, among others, as the nexus for Mission actors and external contributors. It will be supported online by a dynamic platform, fostering continuous engagement and interaction. This space will serve to keep members informed about ongoing activities, provide concrete collaboration prospects, and offer a platform to collect input. Here, you will be able to share your regional challenges, knowledge gaps, capacity requirements, as well as your priorities, events, and initiatives, contributing to our collective dialogue.
We have identified four pillars that will guide and support the Hub: Connect, Learn, Share and Collaborate. With these pillars, you will be able to:
- Connect with other like-minded people within the Mediterranean critical mass following the Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission;
- Learn about existing innovative tools, solutions, and policy approaches to drive innovation in your territories;
- Share and read relevant news, institutional developments, events, and collaboration opportunities;
- Collaborate with other stakeholders, to exchange on territorial challenges and other collaboration prospects.
Become a Hub Ambassador:
Your interest and participation are pivotal in shaping the Innovative Sustainable Economy Community Hub. Join us by signing the “Expression of Interest” form here below: we will keep you informed on the next steps of the Hub, including the consultation process in March 2024, during which you can help define the Hub’s direction and activities. Let’s unite Mediterranean stakeholders, foster learning, share experiences, and collaborate for a sustainable future. Become an Innovation Ambassador and lead the change towards an Innovative Sustainable Economy in the Mediterranean. Take this chance to be part of the change and shape the ISEC Hub together!