Innovative Sustainable Economy Community Hub

The Hub in a Nutshell

Imagine a vibrant community of like-minded individuals coming from the entire Mediterranean region, each with different knowledge and expertise but connected and engaged to drive a shared mission: to boost a fair transition to sustainable economy through transformative innovation in the Mediterranean basin.

The Mediterranean Innovative Sustainable Economy Community (ISEC) Hub will function as a community of organisations and individuals: the Hub will unite the Quadruple Helix of Mediterranean stakeholders from the North, East, West, and South and aims to become a dynamic space at the forefront of transformative innovation in the Euro-Mediterranean region. This collaborative effort is dedicated to advancing the goals of the relative Interreg Euro-MED Mission.

The Mediterranean ISEC Hub will therefore become a physical and virtual space where it will be possible to connect, closely collaborate, and be a reference community for all Mediterranean stakeholders interested in the Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission.

You can scroll down the page to join us through the form or check out the F.A.Q.s below first to learn more about the Mediterranean ISEC Hub

What is the Hub Status?

The Hub is currently in development process. In March 2024, we already performed a first consultative process by recruiting a series of Hub Ambassadors representing the quadruple-helix of Mediterranean stakeholders. They actively  help us co-design strategic parts of this Hub according to needs and interests click here to check out the ISEC Hub Consultation Workshop. The final version of the planned tools, events and activities will be implemented by Summer 2024. The Hub will be officially launched the 2nd of October 2024 (online). Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

Who can join the ISEC Hub?

All typologies of quadruple-helix stakeholders are welcome to join our Hub, provided that they hold an interest and pursue activities broadly related to Innovative Sustainable Economy in the Green and/or Blue fields. Participation into an Interreg Euro-MED Thematic Project is NOT necessary! 

Examples includes:

  • Local Authorities
  • Regional Authorities
  • National Authorities
  • Local & Regional Development Agencies
  • Universities
  • Research organisations
  • CSOs and NGOs
  • Public Interest Groups and similar
  • Companies from the private sector (both SMEs and large corporation)
  • And others!

What can I do inside the ISEC Hub?

We have identified four pillars that will guide and support the Hub: Connect, Learn, Share and Collaborate. Within these pillars, you will be able to:

  • Connect with other like-minded people within the Mediterranean critical mass following the Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission;  
  • Learn about existing innovative tools, solutions, and policy approaches to drive innovation in your territories; 
  • Share and read relevant news, institutional developments, events, and collaboration opportunities; 
  • Collaborate with other stakeholders, to exchange on territorial challenges and other collaboration prospects.

What are the benefits for my organisation?

The ISEC Hub is a free association opportunities offered by the ISE Mission, and affiliated members will be entitled to a series of additional info/expertise services. Some examples include:

  • Networking opportunities with like-minded stakeholders across the sea basin (e.g. Common ISE Stakeholders Directory, Member-only LinkedIn Group)
  • First-hand knowledge of learning and training opportunities on topics akin to Innovative Sustainable Economy, both for the Green and Blue sector
  • Access to repositories and shared platforms for sharing mutual information
  • The opportunity to actively collaborate with akin stakeholders for the development of joint policy messages on topics of strategic interest for your organisation, often in response to international and EU-level consultation processes
  • Priority invitation to events organised under the Mission

Become a Hub Member

Your interest and participation are pivotal in shaping the Innovative Sustainable Economy Community Hub. Let’s unite Mediterranean stakeholders, foster learning, share experiences, and collaborate for a sustainable future. Become an ISEC Hub Member and lead the charge towards an Innovative Sustainable Economy in the Mediterranean.

By signing the form below, you will receive a link to connect to the launch of the Hub in October 2024, and other updates on the next steps of the Hub:


Create and connect a community of actors acting for the transition towards an Innovative Sustainable Economy in the Mediterranean region. It is in the heart of the ISEC Hub to bring together like-minded organizations and individuals that share the Mission’s goals. The connection effort is two folded: to connect the critical mass (the Mission stakeholders) with the governance projects but, most importantly, to connect the members of the critical mass among them so to facilitate their dialogue and collaboration.

Online Networking Directory

With KUMU Platform: a quick-access, user-friendly virtual space highlighting each members’ areas of interest, possible expertise, collaborative potential and first-level contact details. Use it for consultation and partners’ search.

Online Interactive Space

LinkedIn Group: a vibrant online interaction forum for partners to communicate, ask, propose and disseminate about their own innovation work in the Mediterranean region. Use it for interaction and dissemination.


A place to provide and share knowledge, enriched by a broad Mediterranean community of stakeholders involved in the Mission.

Capacity building and strengthening programs

Access to webinars, modules, and other training products, many of which identified via the other Pillars. Online form to facilitate the identification of capacity building needs.

Tailored-made mentoring programs

Mentorings as good practices and outputs replicated in other regions. Online form to facilitate the identification of beneficiaries.


After connecting the critical mass the next natural step is to facilitate the dialogue and the exchange. Being one of the most transversal pillars, this pillar facilitates the exchange of information and opportunities to further collaborate.

Knowledge Sharing Space

MIRO board: an open-access, user-friendly sharing space to facilitate the exchange of information and opportunities to further collaborate. Use it to support and articulate other pillars linked with technical activities, depending on the preferences of the members and the nature of the topics being covered, mainly driven by the thematic tackled by the Thematic Projects. From asynchronous comments to dedicated workshops.

Rolling Calendar of events and synergistic opportunities

Calendar: centralised sharing space of Euro-MED events and synergistic opportunities regarding the Mission scope (Blue and Green Economies). New non-existent service.

Warning: example below is a test! Work in progress.

Warning: example below is a test! Work in progress.


Collaborative design and experimentation is the natural continuation of the networks and groups created through the Connect, Learn and Share Pillars. Therefore, collaborate is crucial to keep the members engaged and interested, giving the opportunity to build something together as a community therefore favouring the shared ownership of the Mission (beyond the project partners).

Sustainable Challenge Forums

Dedicated spaces for deepening discussions on sustainable challenges, stimulating further networking of ISEC Hub actors. The activity will contain both a phase of planning (“Scan 4 Synergies”) and another one of active engagement (“Engage”). Spaces (or “moments”) for discussion will be shaped both at level of Online Platform discussions (e.g. ISEC Hub LinkedIn Group and in partner platforms) or in introduced as side activities inside previously mapped and already existing events (both in person and online) (e.g. in MED Innovation Camps or MED Innovation Days).



Shaping a common Mediterranean vision and voice

This activity aims at developing policy-inspiring messages jointly across stakeholders at Mediterranean level. It is understood as a concrete way to develop collaboration and for advancing common positions on ISE fields. ISEC Hub members will have the possibility to self-aggregate to develop joint positions and may be called-to-action by Mission governance projects, Mission Thematic Projects, or other key Hub actors.  The role of the Mission governance projects in this respect will be guided by the Liaising for advocacy strategy and supported by the policy impact task forces foreseen. Two delivery types are envisaged, ACT and REACT.