The 2023 Ecomondo Green Technology Expo in Rimini, Italy, took place from November 7–10. The University of Siena’s Ecodynamics Group, as a project partner, showcased the work of the Innovative Sustainable Economy mission. Specifically, the scientific committee of Ecomondo chose this Interreg Euro-MED mission to present at the workshop “WATER PROJECTS EUROPE @ ECOMONDO: clusters, synergies, and interface with market players and problem owners,” held on November 7.

The workshop aimed to unite partners of European projects with industries and public/private stakeholders implementing significant innovations. Notably, the workshop featured presentations from a variety of European programmes such as Horizon Europe, PRIMA, and WATER JPI, alongside the Interreg Euro-MED timeslot.
Being selected for this workshop provided the opportunity to showcase the unique philosophy of Interreg Euro-MED projects, emphasizing their distinct structure and robust advocacy potential. The presentation conveyed information on purpose, approach, and planned activities, with a specific focus on the Community of Practice and the Innovative Sustainable Economy Community (ISEC) Hub. This sought to engage stakeholders in the room, encouraging their participation in the Mission’s open activities and, more specifically, contributing to the objective of creating a larger multisectoral community space. This space aims to support and connect the Euro-Mediterranean critical mass of actors working toward a transition to an Innovative Sustainable Economy.
The presentation also served as a platform to introduce the aims and objectives of the Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission to various stakeholders and interested parties, with an emphasis on the blue economy. It provided an ideal opportunity to rally support for a stronger advocacy impact. The event initiated networking activities with other projects, exploring potential synergies and collaboration opportunities for the future.
Ecomondo, the hub of ecological transition, serves as a nexus for dialogue among industries, stakeholders, policymakers, opinion leaders, and local authorities. It consolidates and organises key elements defining the development strategies of the European Union’s environmental policy.