Highlights from the 2nd ISE Community of Practice gathering
The Innovative Sustainable Economy Community of Practice (ISE CoP) met online on the 14th of November to further strengthen connections between Governance and Thematic projects, building on the exchange started during the Community’s launch event in Marseille...
ISE Mission participates in the Arab SMEs Summit organized by the UN ESCWA
The Interreg Euro-MED Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission brings its experience in circular economy projects in the Mediterranean region based on sustainable use of natural resources, transnational cooperation, and innovation. BETA TC of the University of...
The first Italian Forum of the Interreg Euro-MED partners
The first Forum of the Italian partners involved in the projects of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme 2021-2027 took place in Florence on November 21st. Below some highlights of this intense day of networking and exchange. The Forum was organised by the Italian...
Launching the Innovative Sustainable Economy Community (ISEC) Hub of the Mediterranean
The Innovative Sustainable Economy Community (ISEC) Hub of the Mediterranean online launch event was held on Wednesday, 2 October 2024, marking a new milestone in the Interreg Euro-MED Innovative Sustainable Economy Mission. The event was moderated by Mercè Boy...