Green Living Areas Mission Thematic Community met for two intense working days in Turin on the 10th and 11th April 2024. The event, aimed at catching synergies and joint actions between the Community’s 19 projects, gave also room for exchange among Interreg Euro-MED Missions. ISE Mission was there!
During the first day, which was open to the actors of the Green Living Areas (GLA) Mission, Danilo Ceh, Scientific Research Centre Bistra (lead partner of Community4GreenLivingAreas) and Bernard Massabo, Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur (lead partner of Dialogue4GreenLivingAreas) explained how they planned to support the thematic projects from their respective working perspectives. In particular, they highlighted the role of governance projects in the process of amplification and transfer of project results throughout the community and to policymakers.

The rest of the day was dedicate to community building and networking activities among the different actors of Mission, led by Community4GreenLivingAreas.

The second day saw the launch of the Insitutional Dialogue Process of the GLA Mission, which aims to engage community members and stakeholders in an ongoing dialogue to build greener living spaces in the Mediterranean. The discussion was open to the public and brought together a wide range of Mediterranean stakeholders and policymakers to share and exchange best practices in promoting greener territories for transport in the Mediterranean region.
The Mission also hosted other INTERREG Euro-MED missions to ensure a holistic approach to the issue and an overview of the actions funded by the INTERREG Euro-MED programme. ISE Mission participated through its Institutional Dialogue Project. Alessandro Daraio, coordinator of Dialogue4Innovation project, stressed the importance for the four Interreg Euro-MED Missions to work together to impact the policy level. Even if there are different vertical sectoral policies, many aspects are cross-cutting and different Missions may approach the same policy from a different angle.

In particular, he shared that the Mission Innovative Sustainable Economy, more specifically the institutional dialogue project, follows the transformative innovation policy approach, that is working to orient the innovation efforts to meet societal challenges. And in the end, this is the aim of the projects funded under the heading of the other Missions, and in particular the ones working for more green and resilient living areas. There are many commonalities across the Missions and room to work together. He appreciated the afternoon session “How can citizens be engaged with the green transition at the local level?” focused on citizen engagement which is one of the pillars of the transformative innovation policy approach.
Therefore, it confirmed the availability and invited the governance projects, with whom a proficient collaboration has already started, to identify a few common priority areas to tackle together, pooling knowledge and resources to achieve higher impact and promote innovative and cross-cutting policymaking.